Today is my Mom's birthday, happy 39 plus a few years to her! For their gift, the boys made her a cute Halloween wall decoration
Nix celebrates the Spartans' grid iron victory over the University of Michigan by looking adorable in a sweatshirt.
Gax is my expressive, dramatic child. Here, he nails "forlorn."
As much work as it is to have twinfants, you are rewarded in spades watching them accidentally clobber each other.
Last Friday, Bean and I took a field trip to the pumpkin patch with his preschool class. They gave us ice cream, which seemed a bit random, but I sure wasn't going to question it.
It was the same pumpkin patch we visited last year. He was much happier this time around... or at least, it was way easier to trick him into smiling by singing show tunes and flashing jazz hands.
October 2009
October 2010
October 2009
October 2010
October 2009
October 2010
October 2009
October 2010
Poor Gaxers is suffering so much as his first teeth make their way to the surface, he has trouble sleeping. His exhaustion overcame him today, and he fell asleep in Grandma's lap.
Hmmm, that's looking mighty tempting. I think I'm going to try the same thing, but in a different location. Good night!

I'm sure they will beat each other up, and then be best friends, in no time.
oh my gosh, I loved this post. Your boys are so cute! I live close enough to come hold the babies and don't... why is that?! We seriously need to get together now that our move is over.
I love how you did the pumpkin patch pictures from last year and then this year. He's gotten SO big and looks much more confident :)
*sighs* I miss little babies in footie jammies sleeping sweetly.
(I think I have them straight, but correct me if I don't...) I love that shot where Gax (orange shirt?) looks like he is going crazy berserker tackle on Nix(black shirt?). That is just awesome.
Which pumpkin patch is that? It looks pretty spiffy. We just did Hunter Farms this weekend in Union. And hopefully by Christmas I will actually get a post up about it.
Adorable pictures, as always. ;-)
Tell your mum Happy Birthday from me and tell her I wish to be her when I grow up, a fulfilled, gorgeous, classy and most importantly happy mum and grannie. I could so use such a bright female figure in my life. But I hope I will be one in the life of my child/ren.
Sweet dreams.
wait- the clobbering is accidental? Good to know, LOL! I sometimes think they are going for each other!
your art looks great!! :)
I love the pumpkin patch pics too. Z was much more happy this year too. Bean is looking more and more like a little man and the twins, well they are just adorable!
Very cute pictures (and happy birthday to your mum!). 3 under 3 (with two of them being twins) is impossibly hard -- but you're doing it. It may not be a cake walk, but you're doing it, and that's what counts and makes you a rock star. Hang in there :-)
Happy Birthday to your mom!
Gax and his expressions! That baby cracks me up :)
And happy birthday to your mom! I bet that she's sure surprised where a year's time has taken her.
OMG I bet you are having so much fun with those boys!!! I giggled over the pictures. I know Viktor keeps pinching and scratching me and pulling my hair but I honestly love it because he is so darn cute when he does it.
LOVE the pictures! So cute! How did you make that Halloween sign? It's great! What was the backdrop made of? What kind of paint did you use? I'd love to make the with the little ones! Happy Birthday to M&M!!!
Oh, happy 39th birthday (plus X years) to your Mom. I would have believed you if you told me she was 40. She looks awesome. Do I sniff a Mom-crush? Well, that happens when I do not have three kids under the age of three at home and too much spare time to kill.
Pics are lovely as always. You should get the twins boxing gloves for their first birthday. Bean looks so much happier this time around.
AWWWW I remember last year when your little guy was not pleased about the pumpkin patch. MY how time flies!!!
Loving the pics of the fam (babies in jeans are beyond cute, no??)
Great idea on the footprint ghosts!
Hope you're getting some sleep- btw!
OMG, those are some cute kids you have there, my dear! I will be eager to read your post on the challenges of life at home with three under three . . . just because I know my life has been crazy lately, and I only have two under three.
And they gave us creamsicles at our patch visit last week. I had the same "huh" moment (since it was about 50 degrees and sprinkling at the time), but Will loved every freezing, drippy second of it. And it's probably the most economic choice.
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