Despite limping along through the month, we managed to get a few things done. In order to have an extra bedroom for our guests, and desperately hoping it would help get the twins on the same schedule (HA!), we moved the babies into the same room. The jury is still out on that decision, but at least we no longer feel guilty for having Nix sleep in the lovely nursery with Gax tucked away in a random spare room. I did most of my Christmas shopping online, indulging my love of and UPS tracking web site. It's coming... it's coming... it's HERE! (I am so house-bound right now that I almost rabidly await the arrival of mail and parcel trucks. Maybe Santa will bring me a life for Christmas.)
We are rapidly approaching 12 months since I went on bedrest with the twins: January 4. It's been a strange year, filled with the most amazing blessings (gave birth to healthy full term twins, DH's mom successfully finished chemo and radiation for breast cancer, my parents moved across the country to be near the boys), but yet the daily grind was especially... well, grindy. Spending almost 3 months on bedrest and then raising three munchkins under the age of three has NOT been easy. But soon they'll have birthdays, so I'll have three kiddos under the age of four, which I'm pretty sure is going to be a breeze.
So 2010 wasn't exactly a bad year, but I am definitely greeting 2011 with open arms. Hoping to get out of the house more, laugh more, sleep more, bake more cupcakes, read more trashy romance novels, spend more time with my husband, and play more with my children. I have the most amazing people in my life, and as I slowly emerge from the fog of parenting twinfants, I am so excited to enjoy them more.
And speaking of the most amazing people... pictures!
This is the teddy bear that DH bought me for Christmas 1996. Bean calls it "his" bear, because what's mine is his, and what's his is his.
Determined to crawl, Gax spent a few days getting the form down, then another few days coordinating movement...
...and now will spend the next 17 years getting into things he's not supposed to.
Nix has no interest in crawling yet, but he has every interest in being stinkin' adorable.
DH's parents, two brothers, and sister arrived in town from Michigan last week. We are beyond thrilled to have them for the holidays. It's the first time they are meeting the twins, in fact. The boys are turning on the charm in the hopes that, like my parents, my in-laws will be unable to leave Seattle, ever. Then we just have to capture my brother with our Web O' Cuteness, and the whole family will be together again!
The twins were baptized last Sunday. It was such a lovely service, and it meant a lot to have our family there. Nix and Gax took pity on me and didn't fuss the entire time! (They saved that for 10 pm, midnight, 3 am, and 5:30 am.)
Both Grandpas were on hand to entertain the babies for the remainder of the service. Joy and love, indeed.
The twins absolutely adore their Bumpa, and evidence points to the reverse as well.
Bean is totally a Grandma's boy. They are thick as thieves, those two!
Bath time is major cute time in our house.
Nix shows off our new Lemony Inka wrap. (No worries, I may have been sick and busy this month, but not too sick and busy to manage my stash of baby carriers.)
Despite teething six pearly whites at the same time (praise be to infant ibuprofen!), Gax retains his sense of humor.
Merry Christmas, from my family to yours!

adorable!! Merry Christmas to you.
I've missed you friend!! Merry Christmas to you and your family as well, wishing you nothing but the best (and LOTS of sleep) in the new year!!
Super wonderful photo update!
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! :)
You have such a beautiful family! I'm sorry you've been having such a difficult month.
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Damn, awesome site. I came across this on Ask Jeeves, and I am really happy that I did. I will definately be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the post and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment.
Merry Christmas!!! Love the pictures. Had no idea that DH's mom was going through breast cancer treatments. I am so happy that she's made it through her chemo treatments. She'll definitely be in my regular prayers now! Those babes crack me up! I loved the pictures of Bean with all his uncles and aunt. So spoiled with all that attention. I bet he took some pretty good naps. Safe travels to everyone when returning home and enjoy the rest of your Christmas!
hmmm.....i would liken MY ILs to infectious disease :)
love the photo updates! here's to an awesome 2011!!!
Merry Christmas Sunny! I love the photos and it is just amazing how much the boys have grown up!
lovely photos...
Greetings, you win the celebrate blogger of 2010 award in humor…
The Celebrate Blogger of 2010 Awards
Everyone gets The Celebrate Blogger of 2010 Award in Short Stories Honorable mention!
Hope your day go well,
Happy New Year!
It's been a long time since I've stopped by (I am so out of the blogging loop and have basically been living in a work-induced cave for the past 4 months), but I am so glad I did today. I needed a pick-me-up.
Your boys are adorable. The photos are so cute, and they have grown SO much! You are doing a great job, and while three under 4 is no breeze by any means, it's a lot easier than toddler + infant twins.
Happy New Year!
Great to see the photos! And a fellow wrapper! Lemony Inka is gorgeous! :) Merry Christmas!!
So sweet - and that last one is ridiculously cute!
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