I really am trying to compose an actual post with actual words. Truly I am! I have a lot to say (even though only about 5% of it is coherent and 2% is interesting). I thought it might happen yesterday... but it didn't. And then I thought it might happen today... but it won't. So instead I'm uploading a bazillion pictures, and hoping you forgive me for my absence -- I hope to remedy it soon!
Fun at Grandma and Bumpa's house
Frat boy in training: he's two years old and is already double-fisting his drinks. |
Grandma and I apparently have different ideas on potty training. |
Beach field-trip with preschool
Last day of school with Teacher S.
Memorial Day
My brother Mike and girlfriend Heather visit!
Happy (belated) 30th birthday, Uncle Mike! |
Snoqualmie Falls
Pike Place Market
Heather gives the middle finger to the first Starbucks. |
Father's Day tradition: Mariners Game
Baby Boy didn't even realize we'd left the house. |
This would be an awesome sight if it didn't mean they won't take naps when we get home. |
And finally, some randomness...
Bean and Daddy built (and launched) a rocket. |
Nix ensures that the Baby has enough toys to play with. While he's sleeping. |
Two airplanes! |
I have a feeling it's going to be difficult to wean him off the binky. |
It's nap time, and I hear Gax yell, "Help me!" This is what I find when I walk into his bedroom. |
He's stuck. He really won't rest until he's tested the limits of our baby-proofing. (Windows secured? CHECK!) |
Happy birthday, Daddy! |