Sunday, September 19, 2010


- My sons are growing up. Nix has a second tooth (adds a new level of challenge to nursing -- yeouch!), Bean has ditched his binkie (except at naptime/bedtime, for now), and Gax is a marine biologist (he communicates with whales by screeching). These three amazing boys fill my heart every day, even as they kick my butt. I love them so much.

- One of my sorority sisters, Andrea, is in town for work this week from Cleveland. It was fabulous to see her today, and traumatic to count the years since we graduated from college. I am the Worst Host of the Century for taking her to the mall near the airport for our reunion. DH was horrified -- "She's visiting Seattle and you took her to eat at the food court?!" I didn't have the guts to tell him we spent the rest of the time in the Family Lounge so I could nurse the twins and change diapers. Anyway, I appreciate Andrea putting up with us, and for teaching us what Zanybandz are. Mine glow in the dark, do yours?

- My parents *finally* had an offer accepted on a new house; the inspection is on Wednesday, and if all goes well they'll close next month. It's about 8 minutes away in the town next door. I am happy for them and sad for me. Oh glorious shower, how I will miss you! Deodorant, you're up, buddy. Good luck to both of us.

- Our co-op preschool started last week. Bean rocked his first day, I'm so proud of the little man he is becoming. The twins did well in their class also, getting a jump start on academics by drooling on toys and napping in their car seats. Money well spent there. Last year I had the super important job of being Co-chairperson of the Board. Now I am just the snack coordinator of the Yellow Class. Yet this strikes me as way more important.

- Still not sleeping better. Last night I was up with the twins every hour until 1 am, then every 2 hours until 7 am. They weren't nursing every time, but they still needed soothing. I know they are only this young once, and I don't want to wish this time away. But I'm wishing this time away.

- My Grandparents and Aunt/Godmother D. are coming to visit from Michigan in a week and a half. We are sooooo excited for them to meet the twins and see big boy Bean in person instead of on the webcam. I just hope the kids don't have the same effect on them that they had on my parents, because we are running out of bedrooms.

- I've read many great posts lately, but two in particular I wanted to share with you. The first is twinfants+toddler mama Jamie's post on the top ten things she's learned as a mom of multiples. I didn't see "where to hide when three small people scream for you at the same time" mentioned, but it's an excellent list nevertheless. The second is Lisa's craft project that she did with her two adorable boys. I am going to attempt to make one for my Mom's birthday next month -- or maybe Lisa will make one for me because she's awesome like that and she knows I'm exhausted and our kids are the same ages so no one will know the difference anyway. Hint hint.

- The new fall TV season start this week. I am super excited but nervous that I will get so behind on watching them that my DVR will reach max capacity AND THEN WHAT WILL I DO?! Yes, this does keep me up worrying at night.

What shows are going to keep you up worrying about your DVR this fall?



Aisha said...

Oh Sunny- I am up at 2:40 right now. Wanting to sleep but unable to because I just finished feeding him and I'm just WAITING FOR HIM TO GET UP ANY MINUTE NOW. . . and while as luck will have it this will be the night he sleeps until 8am- yeah right. I am trying to be zen-like. Trying to appreciate the moment- but right now, I'm working on almost zero sleep and while I don't wish tehse days away- yeah I'm wishing them away. Sigh. Sorry to hear the cry it out didn't work- I feel nearly ready to resort to that.

Allison said...

Happy for your parents!!! I have a feeling they will be "living" with you for a while yet, don't you? And don't fool yourself, you are a great hostess.

Kristina P. said...

I have had DVR stress! There are a couple of nights where I literally have both DVRs recording two shows at the same time!

I am crossing my fingers for your parents!

The Gernand Family said...


Could you do a blog of your must have baby gear or items and if you borrowed, bought used, or found it worth it to buy new?

I would love to hear things that helped with twinfants plus a toddler. :)


Lisa said...

ha, i can mail you the extra one we made and you can add one of the twins footprints to it! l;-)

ugh on the sleeping, we had a night like that last clue why, but mark was up every hour? TEETH??

Congrats to the parents on the house and 8 minutes. that will be nice!!

Lisa said...

oh, and i am excited about How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement, GLEE!!!!, and Big Bang Theory! So glad the fall shows are back on! (and a little 90210 too)! :)

Jamie said...

Thanks for the shout out!!

I'm looking forward to Glee, Top Chef - Just Desserts, and The Office.

Stef said...

I'm sorry the night time routine isn't getting much better :(
I keep hoping my husband's parents would come up here for a visit! I think they must be afraid of WA, because they travel everywhere else ;-)
The kids do like to chat with them on the webcam, but its just not the same.

I'm super excited Biggest Loser started and I think The Event will be a new favorite. Otherwise, shows like The Office, Quints by Surprise is cute and makes my life feel less chaotic ;) and then we love Fringe. said...

Oh yeah sleep...that's a good word...I would have not felt your pain had I not been in the same boat a tiny bit.

Congrats on your parents getting a good home...I hope that the 8 minutes distance won't be a big hurdle at all.

And hey Belated Happy Blogoversary...Not being able to enter a chocolate related giveaway is my punishment for not reading blogs on time... Anyways...hoping to continue catching up with you...

Good Luck!

You have an awesome sense of humour...

AJ said...

Love that I made the blog - and in your defense - you did take me to Godiva! A big thank you to you and your mom - I loved our visit (and chocolate) and hope for another visit soon (even if I don't hope for a work trip...)