The fourth (and final?) installment of The Maiden Metallurgist's April Challenge to Ditch the Dumpy Sweats!
Wednesday 4/23
Agenda: Annual doctor visit, first t-ball game (rained out at the last minute)
Going comfy and casual to the gyn. But it still counts as "not sweats!"
Thursday 4/24
Agenda: Indoor playtime at rec center, McTeacher Night for elementary school
I wanted to wear this scarf today, so I paired it with a simple black top and jeans. The scarf is a piece of a Didymos Indio wrap... one of the first wraps I bought on my babywearing journey. It has a lot of meaning to me, and a dear friend chopped a scarf off of it so I can keep it forever.
Friday 4/25
Agenda: Work in Bean's classroom, emergency retail therapy with Mom
Love love love this sweater and boots. It's missing some accessories, though. Hmmmmm.
Saturday 4/26
Agenda: Tackling to-do list, surprise DATE NIGHT!
My parents surprised us with an offer to babysit so hubby and I could go out to dinner and get a break from the bedtime routine, which has become quite a nightmare at our house as of late. YES! Grabbed the new sweater and scarf purchased during retail therapy the previous day.
Sunday 4/27
Agenda: Blerg.
Mama's not feeling so awesome. Pass.
Monday 4/28
Agenda: Co-op preschool with Littlest
Time to rally! For preschool, I wore the new tee, scarf, and sweater that I found at a local boutique shop on date night. The items are really soft, too... maybe not as relaxing as sweats, but pretty darn close. Mamas don't have to look frumpy just to be comfortable!
Tuesday 4/29
Agenda: Playdate canceled... guess I should pick up this house
1. Purge the closet, brutally. I tend to reach for pieces that aren't flattering just because they are THERE. Out with the old items that no longer serve me well, and in with the new.
2. Everything is better... LIFE is better... when I feel good in my clothes.
3. Accessorize! Putting on jeans and a plain top is boring.
4. Be more bold with colors and patterns. I need to add interesting pieces to my closet, not just solid and "safe" colors.
So who wants to go shopping with me?