Back in his own crib, Bean has been slow to reduce the number of his nighttime wakings, unfortunately. I know he's not the worst sleeper in the world -- as that distinction surely belongs to this child and his poor parents -- but it seems like he's gotta be on the top 100 list. When we were at the pediatrician's office on Tuesday to get him the other half of his flu shot (during which he didn't even frown, the little hero), I asked the nurse if the doctor could pop in to check him out to make sure there is no physical reason for this waking. She examined him and declared him healthy. "Knowing about his picky eating habits too, I'd say he's just a stubborn baby. He is taking his time adjusting from the trip," she told me. Stubborn, huh? Is that an official diagnosis? Medical school must be grueling. Anyway, I'm glad to know he's okay, but that is little comfort when he wakes up for the fourth time at 3 am. I guess it was just too much to hope for that she would be able to magically find and solve the issue. ("Oh look! He just needs his armpit tickled four times and then he'll be sleeping through the night.") Really the one to blame is DH. In talking with both our sets of parents on our trip, it's obvious who Bean takes after. I guess I should have been more specific when I asked God to make our son like his daddy. Big heart and sense of humor: yes. Challenging childhood behavior and inability to throw away old post-it notes: no.
On the bright side, Bean slept a five-hour stretch on both Tuesday and Thursday nights, so I'm hoping we are on a positive trend. And to make up for his nightly torturing, he has been the sweetest little buddy during the day. He smiles, babbles, and cuddles with me; he giggles admiringly at all my jokes. He is such a happy creature -- if only he'd stay that way forever, I'd be one satisfied mama.
We've jumped right back into the swing of things this week. Wednesday was preschool and yesterday I attended a playdate/babywearing presentation with the LLL group. I discovered there is one more carrier that I need. Okay, fine, I'll admit, this is just one I want. And I'll probably just suffer interminably without it, as DH has threatened to take me to a doctor to get help for what he deems an addiction. Whatever. I can quit whenever I want to.
We've also been expanding Bean's food repertoire -- or at least attempting to. I was thrilled that he's eating yogurt for breakfast, but now he's started gagging on sweet potatoes, previously his favorite of the Gerber variety. *sigh* As far as eating "table" food, that's predictably going as well as Ron Paul's presidential campaign. I gave him barely a scrape of my banana, and he barfed it up. Then he spent the rest of the time squishing the cut-up squares in his fist so they popped out between his fingers. And last night we gave him three tiny pieces of cous cous. (For those of you unfamiliar, one cous cous is about a tenth the size of a grain of rice and has no taste.) He gagged and barfed until all three were completely out of his mouth. *double sigh* Meanwhile, who is NOT having trouble with solid food is Evey Louise. Last night right after dinner, I took the cous cous eschewing baby up to bed and DH went to the bathroom before doing the dishes. When he emerged, he found the dog STANDING ON OUR GLASS KITCHEN TABLE, having just consumed the leftover chicken, peas, and cous cous. Apparently she figured out how to jump on the chairs to get up. *triple sigh* I guess she can't wait for Bean to be old enough to pass his veggies to her under the table, she'd prefer to start now, thank you very much.
I almost forgot to note that as of November 8, we have been living in Seattle for one year. ONE YEAR! And much to my surprise, not only do I love it, but it already feels like home. I feel totally comfortable leaving my underwear on the bedroom floor and not using a coaster on the coffee table. Landing at Seatac on Saturday, my heart was at ease seeing the mountains and evergreens. I still miss our family and friends, and yes, it can be tiresome driving at highway speeds so slow they would get you shot in Detroit. But this is definitely the most beautiful place we have lived. Every time we drive somewhere together (and yes I mean every time), DH gestures to the rolling foothills of the Cascades or the towering Mt. Rainier and asks, "Can you believe we live here?" In a word: No!
In memoriam. I would like to bid a fond farewell to one of my favorite TV shows, Pushing Daisies. I don't watch much television anymore, but I faithfully DVR this show every week. Yesterday, while I was enjoying this week's episode, ABC was cruelly ripping it from their lineup. Yep, ironically it will be pushing up some daisies of its own. A sort of Columbo-meets-Gilmore Girls, the visual style of the show was so colorful and unique! I'm devastated that I'll never know what happens to the Ned the pie maker, who can bring people back from the dead with a simple touch. Does he ever get to be with his true love, Charlotte? And who murdered her on that cruise ship (before Ned brought her back to life, of course)? Was it the mysterious man looking for Charlotte's dad's old pocket watch? So many questions unanswered. This is why I stopped watching Lost. At least I still have Psych and Monk coming back in January. Right? *gulp*
My sister has had the same problem with the sleeping thing with my youngest nephew. He is now 19 months and sleeping well although he hates naps. he has never really taken them. He is just never been much of a sleeper but he is now at least sleeping through the night so hopefully he will just eventually grow out of it.
First off, I forgot to comment but I LOVED your wordless Wednesday post, you need to get that pic framed!!
Secondly, do you have facebook? If not you totally MUST have it, it's hugely addicting to meet up with people you knew in a former life and see how they 'turned out'. And then I'll hook you on mob wars ;)
Thirdly (damn this is a long comment), I'm sorry you are still having sleeping troubles. I wish I had some advice for you but I don't so I'll just send a hug. Just stay consistent and eventually you WILL sleep again.
And fourthly just keep on trucking with the food, Drew had mega texture issues too, I think gerber puffs and bananas were eventually what got him off purees. Try mixing the couscous (or rice) in with a puree and see how he does with that, that's what those gerber stage 3 jars are all about (although they are particulary gross when puked back up).
Your little guy is adorable! And I never started watching Pushing Daisies, but I have only heard good things.
Can we get an official count on the baby carriers? Is it one for each day or do you rotate them hourly? ;)
I swear that I'm going to stick a MD after my name and become a baby doctor. I mean who can argue with your diagnoses? Certainly not the baby!
ooooh, the sleep! i hope bean gets back to normal soon. Z sometimes wakes at the 4ish hour but he cries for about 5 min and goes back to sleep. i stopped going in because every time I did he was basically crying while asleep?! weird!
And i hear ya on the table food, bean sounds just like z! a puff touches his tongue and he makes this dramatic chokin scene and the darn thing isnt even in his mouth! I need to take marys advice and try the fresh banana!
if you have any luck, fill me in!!
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