Despite all the chaos of this past week, Bean has been a constant source of happiness for me. He is teething, which means I have to deal with more than a bit of the grumpies, but it makes him so cuddly! He has fallen asleep on me several times, just like he did when he was a newborn. That kid just loves his mama... and his mama loves him. Infinity plus one.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Hairy situation
Although myself, DH, and the pooch also got a trim this weekend, of course it is far more interesting to talk about Bean's first haircut. DH and I took him on Saturday after two failed nap attempts... yes, we were taking our lives in our hands with that gamble, but we couldn't wait any longer. Oh, and while you are looking at the pictures below, be sure to imagine an episode of Barney blaring loudly on a TV in the background. It helps to set the right mood.
He tolerated it for a few minutes, but then things got a little tricky. Bean decided he was nervous, and the binky alone wasn't cutting it, so he wanted to hang out under mama's shirt. As Bean has no concern for my modesty, the stylist got some choice views of The Girls (my awesome new bra continues to earn its worth). But it got the job done.
Because of the missed morning nap, we decided to walk on a local trail after the haircut to get us back on schedule. As we marveled at Mt. Rainier...
...Bean practiced his angsty teenage "Can we leave now?" look.
And the best part of the weekend, we spent Sunday shopping at the fancy mall burning through the remainder of my birthday money. Bean did marginally well, but DH was my champion shopping partner as always. He's probably embarrassed that I say it, but I'm fairly certain that no woman with a heterosexual husband could ask for a better mall buddy in her spouse. I love you, honey!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Two weeks
- Growing. He looks a lot bigger to me, I am anxious to hear his height and weight at the doctor next month. On my unreliable bathroom scale, he's at least 20 pounds. If this is true, I'll be able to turn his carseat around to face front on his birthday. Although now that the time is near, I'm considering holding out. It's safer for his neck if he's rear-facing during a crash. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on this either way.
- Talking. No official first word, but he's definitely soaking up the language. I'm thinking his first intelligible utterance might be a toddler's interpretation of "Evey" or "light," as those are the objects he seems to recognize most. Although I swear today he said "mama" when he was in his high chair. But then as soon as I started celebrating, it turned into "mamamamamamamamamamamama" so maybe not. Oh, the ups and downs of motherhood.
- Walking. He is so much steadier on his feet these days, cruising the furniture and roaming the house holding onto my fingers. He's getting braver, he'll let go of whatever is steadying him and balance for a brief moment. I doubt he'll walk on his own before his birthday, but that
dreadedthrilling day is not far off... - Sleeping. Naps are still going well overall, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Occasionally it takes me a couple of tries to get him down, but it always happens. I have also started night weaning him. After I put him down, I don't go in to nurse/comfort him until 4 am at the earliest. He cried a bit at first, but once he realized I wasn't coming in, he'll just fuss for a minute and then go back to sleep on his own. I still wake up constantly, but I'll eventually get used to sleeping again. I'm hopeful that if I can get in at least one uninterrupted 4-hour sleep cycle each night, I might actually be able to increase my brain power to... say... 35% of what it was before giving birth.
- Eating. We are finally starting to get the hang of eating finger foods. Hooray! No more 7 hour waffle-eating marathons. It's still a slow process, but more of the food is ending up his mouth in a steady succession. (As long as it's not a green bean.) I need to start getting creative with his meals now that I am more confident it won't entirely become dog food. Bummer.
- Nursing. We are two weeks shy of my one-year breastfeeding goal. It's amazing to me, I couldn't imagine getting here when we first started. It was so difficult, and I'm really proud of myself for hanging in there through the tough times. As it got easier, our success really helped me get some confidence that I was sorely lacking. I'm not really sure how much longer we'll go... I'm following his lead for now. (Plus, I need to justify that wonderful nursing bra I just got from Victoria's Secret. I wonder how many months of savings on cow's milk for him would equal $44?)
- Reaching. Bean spends 95% of his waking moments reaching for things. Mostly those things he is not supposed to have, like scissors and super glue and flame throwers. Maybe one of these days we'll finish hanging the decorations in the nursery so I can get the power drill off the floor in there.
- Sharing. Be still my beating heart, I just melt when Bean holds out a piece of string cheese for his mommy. True, he likely held it out for the dog first, who no doubt licked it eagerly, but it's the thought that counts. Right?
- Screeching. Apparently there is a banshee inside of my son, and it demands to be heard. This discovery is my least favorite in Bean's development so far. This kid emits the most ear-piercing screams I have ever heard in my life. If you are too close, your ears will actually pop (I'm serious!). Excitement, frustration, boredom, anger, contentment... any emotion whatsoever elicits a shriek. I try to remind myself that it's healthy for him to explore self-expression and communication, but my nerves are sometimes very raw at the end of the day. That goodness for his early bedtime, decaf coffee, and DVRed home decorating shows.
I wish I had some better pictures to share, but we haven't been doing much that is picture worthy. He will be having his first haircut on Saturday, thanks to you voters and two different women on a recent outing who referred to him as a "her," so hopefully that will yield some interesting shots. In the meantime...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hot mess
Those of you who know
I checked the studio's web site for directions. Their site boasts, "We offer the most exciting, challenging, hardworking, effective yoga classes in the world." Questionable grammar aside (can a yoga class be hardworking?), imagine my delight at discovering that I live within driving distance of the most effective yoga class in the world. Because if I am going to expend any of my precious little energy for the purpose of physical fitness and emotional enlightenment, instead of watching Scrubs and eating ice cream like a reasonable human being would, the class better be the most effective. In the world.
I silently prayed that DH would be delayed in leaving work so I would miss the class, smugly confident that the odds were in my favor for that one. But alas, I saw his cell phone on our caller ID at 6 pm and knew me and my baby weight would be hauling ourselves to class. He arrived home, I put the baby to bed, and with nerves churning in my stomach, I resignedly left the house. I drove the insultingly low speed limit on the highway, which I usually reserve for occasions when I spot a cop, but I didn't want to get there early and wander around in confusion waiting for my friend.
I pulled into the parking lot, straight into God's cruel joke. The studio was nestled between a Cold Stone Creamery and a See's Candy shop. And what towered behind but a movie theater, playing "Twilight" nonetheless, which I had really wanted to see in the theater. *sigh* I called DH for some moral direction. "Do whatever will bring you home to me with a smile on your face," he advised. Note to self: don't call DH when in need of moral direction.
I spotted another preschool mom and her husband in the studio, thank goodness. I signed up at the reception desk (newbie special, 10 classes for $10) and sat nervously with them in the lobby. Our other friend arrived, and finally it was time to enter. My friends and I chatted about bed times and nap schedules as the room filled, occasionally shooting eye daggers when a skinny would enter sporting a toned tummy, tight shorts, and a sports bra. (Or maybe it was just me doing that.) Then the teacher introduced herself. She was probably 5 months pregnant but could still kick my butt six ways to Sunday. She laid the ground rules -- NO LEAVING THE ROOM before it's over, under penalty of death -- and we began.
Seeing as though I had never done so much as a downward facing dog in my entire life, it was hard for me to keep up with the poses. As soon as I figured one out, it was on to the next. (This is power yoga, too. Did I mention that? Which means none of that holding-a-position-for-two-minutes-while-the-ocean-waves-lap-calmly-in-the-background that you see on Sunday morning TV. This stuff is fast.) On top of being new to the yoga moves, I had never previously experienced the feeling that I was going to sweat all my organs out through my pores. Having heard that everyone drips sweat the entire time, I expected the room to be stinky. But either all my nose hairs got burned off or the heat vaporized the smell, because that was never a problem. I did the best I could, taking some time-outs periodically to rest and rehydrate. That being said, I dare say that I held my own with my two friends, who had gone to the class before. After it was over, they praised how well I kept up and expressed disbelief that I had never done yoga before. I thanked them and mumbled something about not being sure I was doing it correctly, but inside I was thinking, "BOO YAH!"
I drove home, feeling lightheaded and a bit nauseated. I'm sure there's a really good reason why people do this regularly. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, I half expected to have lost five pounds of water weight -- now that would be a reason to keep going. Of course I looked exactly the same as when I left. Bummer. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to attend the class, as DH is under a tight deadline and will probably be working past 8 pm through at least this week. Ice cream and Scrubs it is!
**I know I'm overdue to post an update and some pictures of my soon-to-be one year old (gasp). I'll try to do that later this week... it's a busy one!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Pushing 30
He made me chocolate-chip pancakes shaped like a birthday cake (please ignore the Corelle plate that my mom bought in 1986, it's industrial strength and I fully intend to use the set until they disintegrate):
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Poll: Hair today, gone tomorrow?
On to the poll, which you will see on the sidebar to the right. I have been dreading Bean's first haircut, and not for the screaming or thrashing that will likely ensue. No, I enjoy those at every bathtime anyway. But I know that as soon as those scissors come out, he won't be my baby anymore, he'll be... *sigh* a toddler. One of the benefits of being a mom is that you can generally operate your child's life under the influence of your own personal fears and neurosis, and until your son is cruelly nicknamed "Rapunzel" on the playground, you can justify pretty much anything.
But as I was scheduling haircuts for myself and the pooch, I caught a glimpse of Bean's one-year-old photo session noted on the calendar for March 1. Putting the two together, I took a big *gulp* and wondered if it was time to bite the bullet and get the little man his first hair cut before the pictures. I need your help to decide. I took some pictures today to show you his hair from multiple angles. (Please ignore the fact that his hair needs to be washed and refer to paragraph above re: bathtime.) I think it looks fine from the front, and as he'll be facing the camera anyway, maybe I'm safe... What do you think?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Not what you'd call a good weekend
DH is leaving for the funeral in Michigan on Wednesday -- my birthday -- and will return on Saturday afternoon. After serious consideration, we decided it would be best for me and Bean to stay here. So not only will I not get to pay my last respects to Grandma, but it will just be me, the baby, and the pooch celebrating the last year of my 20s. I can't wait to see what they have planned. As I had already expected to mope around on my birthday due to Other Stuff weighing on me (which I won't go into here because it seems tacky after mentioning the loss of Grandma), the situation is really working out toward that end. If anyone wants to come to my pity party, the invite is open!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Boob tube
A. Bold the shows you watch/used to watch.
B. Italic the shows you’ve seen at least one episode of.
C. Post your answers.
50. Quantum Leap
49. Prison Break
48. Veronica Mars
47. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
46. Sex & The City
45. Farscape
44. Cracker
43. Star Trek
42. Only Fools and Horses
41. Band of Brothers
40. Life on Mars
39. Monty Python’s Flying Circus
38. Curb Your Enthusiasm
37. Star Trek: The Next Generation
36. Father Ted
35. Alias
34. Frasier
33. CSI: Las Vegas
32. Babylon 5
31. Deadwood
30. Dexter
29. ER
28. Fawlty Towers
27. Six Feet Under
26. Red Dwarf
25. Futurama
24. Twin Peaks (but it's in my Netflix queue)
23. The Office (the U.S. version; the U.K. version is also in my Netflix queue)
22. The Shield
21. Angel
20. Blackadder
19. Scrubs
18. Arrested Development
17. South Park
16. Doctor Who
15. Heroes
14. Firefly
13. Battlestar Galactica
12. Family Guy
11. Seinfeld
10. Spaced (Thanks to Netflix again!)
09. The X-Files
08. The Wire
07. Friends
06. 24
05. Lost
04. The West Wing
03. The Sopranos
02. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
01. The Simpsons
Monday, February 2, 2009
Wet and (not so) wild
Other than that, not much is going on in our household these days. DH is working crazy hours to finish a project, he sometimes doesn't get home until 9 or 10 pm, plus he had to work on Saturday. I've been consumed with the normal stuff, trying to keep the household going by myself as Bean tries to dismantle it. DH and I have both been tired and distracted lately, as evidenced by my leaving our portable GPS in the lease car I turned in, and DH bringing home a gallon of milk that was almost expired. "I usually check the expiration date on the milk to make sure we can get a full week out of it," I gently reminded him. "I actually did check the date," he admitted sheepishly, "I just didn't know what day it was today." That about sums it up.