Bean was so excited for Santa to come that he crawled right out of his pants. (But then he went back for them. So responsible.)
Our white Christmas (because I can't resist posting snow pictures).
So many presents to open! Bean's favorite (human) toy was the activity table from Grandma M. and Grandpa J.
After a long day of opening gifts and attending Christmas parties via webcam, Bean cuddled on my lap to read one of his favorite books.

Today we decided to go to the upscale mall to make an exchange and take advantage of sales on stuff we can't normally afford. (We weren't the only ones with that idea, I estimated about 2.6 million people at the mall with us.) Bean wanted to look nice, so he wore the hat that Grandma C. got for him.
Although it was just the four of us, we had a lovely Christmas... with the sweetest little face in the world grinning at us all day, it was impossible to be anything but blissfully happy. I hope you enjoyed your celebrations as well!
Merry Christmas (a few days late)!!
Love love love the pictures, especially Danny crawling out of his pants!
That music table is awesome, still one of Drew's favorites to this day!!
Looks like a fabulous holiday! I'm so glad he is enjoying his horse. He looks adorable on it.
Jillian hasn't been too interested in Cujo's toys. But he sure has been interested in hers. I'm just hoping not to come home to have her favorite stuffed toy destroyed someday.
I am glad you had a nice Christmas. My nephew had that same activity table and he absolutely loved it!
oh fine! i clicked on stirrup queen for you & voted & now i'll leave a comment for you (okay explain...does this make me a non-lurker?!) :-) danny's photos are a crack-up... love how he leaves his pants behind (which reminds come we haven't SEEN his cute little behind?! just kidding!) your entire blog is clever & entertaining & suze will probably want you as a regular on her show!
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