Anyway, they sent these pictures of their front yard and the lake out back.

You're such a knob. Now I need some help, if you don't mind. I have a list of improvements for the house that I can't believe the previous owners lived without for six years, and now that DH installed a medicine cabinet in the master bathroom, the top priority is drawer pulls. Not one single cabinet in this entire house has a knob on it. You know those infomercials where Billy Mays screams about the current product sensation that is sweeping the nation? We are currently living like the black-and-white "before" segment, where we awkwardly try to open cabinets without the pulls and end up hurting ourselves and shaking our heads in frustration. I went to Target and got inexpensive, basic brushed silver pulls for the bathrooms, but I'd like something nicer for the kitchen. Where should I look for more stylish and cool knobs? Please, help us live in color again.
The pictures look so pretty. I am so glad it is Friday that is the only thing that is helping me through this day. I am finally starting to see street under the snow on the roads outside my building so driving home won't be so bad.
Maybe Lowe's? Home Depot?
Let it snow let it snow let it snow!!
I second Lowe's and Home Depot, the ones around here have a wide selection.
If you are looking for something funky you can always find them online but they can get pricey!
Yeah, I've seen them at Home Depot. How strange that they are all missing knobs!
Home Depot and Lowes have pretty good variety.
I would have said home depot or lowes too! Or some other kind of decorating store if you have any in your area but the two big stores have a huge selection and even some special order ones too!
Hope you guys are enjoying your holidays so far! Has bean been to see Santa? Zach did great, I need to scan it to share!!
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