Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mama's getting greedy

Here we are, still pregnant, and only three days from 37 weeks. According to most sources, like the March of Dimes and the World Health Organization, that would be considered full term.



I am giddy with excitement. If by some miracle I make it to Sunday, it will be a photo finish. I am definitely having contractions, and I'm starting to feel them more than I was in the past. Still not anywhere near close enough together to head to the hospital... but I can't imagine my cervix is unaffected by all the activity. My water could break at any second, calling halt to our anxious waiting.

When I lay down, the contractions are less frequent. I'm feeling greedy and want to go for the big 3-7, so I am still on a sort of self-imposed modified bedrest. I went to preschool yesterday with my Mom and Bean, and I'm very glad I did. It was great to get out and see my friends, and Bean absolutely shocked me with his level of independence and confidence in the classroom. But other than that and my OB appointment, I've stayed home this week, and even spent many hours a day laying on the couch. I know the label "full term" means nothing to my little guys -- it's not like everything would be 100% guaranteed perfect if I delivered on Sunday -- but it's certainly among the most emotional milestones I could reach in this pregnancy.

I may not reach it, but I'm going for the gold on this one.

Several people asked about the timing of my planned C-section. At our hospital, they won't schedule a C-section prior to 38 weeks unless you do an amniocentesis first to determine lung functioning. Call me crazy, but I didn't rush to sign up for that, and neither the doctor nor I see a need to deliver earlier than that anyway. As it is, my C-section is scheduled for 38.5 weeks on April 7. (See the floating fetuses on the right for a countdown to that date.) If I go into labor earlier than that -- which we are all betting on -- they will just go ahead and do the C-section immediately without the amnio. I have no idea what would happen if I arrived at the hospital completely dilated and ready to push. Twin A is head down (vertex) at this point, so we could potentially try a last-minute VBAC. Twin B is sideways (transverse) but could likely turn during delivery of Twin A. I imagine it depends on which doctor is on call at that time, how the babies and I are doing, how I feel about it in the moment, etc.

Three more days... wish me luck.



Jen said...

Still hanging out at 5+ cm, eh? Good thing I didn't place any bets on when you'd have these little guys! For a singleton the hospital won't schedule a c section before 39 weeks (fine by me), so they give you a whole extra week when you are carrying double the load!

Pufferfish said...

OMG, you are a rockstar! I think you can make it!!!

Nadine said...

You can do it! That's all of our goal to (37 weeks) but M's OB won't let her go beyond 38 weeks, and is talking about a 37 week induction if things are moving in that direction (I really hope the babes make it to there!).

Lisa said...

I knew you would make it farther then you thought! :)

so are you still actually considering a vbac? for some reason i thought you were already decided against that? Zach was sunny side up when i was in labor and my doc had to reach in and turn him....O.M.G. That was worse than the actual delivery, LOL!

Anyway, you are doing a great job and 36w4d is AWESOME! Even if you went today, I think you are going to have some hearty and healthy boys on your hands! And get that cake deserve it! :-)

K said...

the fact that you carried them this far is AWESOME but I hope you can make it to the goal of full term. How amazing is that?!?! Will be checking your blog regularly now with baited breath for the big announcement!

Michele said...

YAY!!!! 3 more days!!!! I am so proud of you!

Andrea said...

Wow! Just stumbled across your blog today and read your post. So exciting! Good luck the next few days :)

Erin said...

Wishing you tons of luck. You have gone further than some women with twins especially with your cervix issues. You have done great!! Here is to holding out until Sunday!

Erin said...

Wishing you tons of luck. You have gone further than some women with twins especially with your cervix issues. You have done great!! Here is to holding out until Sunday!

Kristi said...

Luck! Luck! Luck!


Mary said...

Yay Yay Yay! You rock!! From here on out I want daily emails or blog updates or texts Missy!!! And how awesome would it be to end up with a vbac after all, if its meant to be it will and if its not at least you know what to expect this time. As a total aside my doc always told me it didn't matter what position Baby B was in, Livi stayed transverse most of my pregnancy, turned head down at the last minute and then flipped back to transverse after Drew was born, it was all good in the end ;). But no matter how these boys get here they will do GREAT and be so so so loved!

Red said...

Good luck getting to 37 weeks - full term! Wow!! Either way, you have done an incredible job getting them this far and I just hope that everyday until they are 21 you hammer into their heads how lucky they are to have such a great Mummy!

I am sad that I likely won't be here to read about the birth (heading overseas tomorrow for 2 weeks) - unless of course they decide to stick around til their c-section date! But I will be wishing you luck nonetheless.

BTW, how cool would a twin vbac be if it did 'just happen'!

Kate said...

Good luck getting to the bitter end!

Anonymous said...

The best of luck to you!

Aunt Becky said...

UNREAL. I cannot believe how close you are! SHE'S GOING THE DISTANCE!

Michelle said...

3 days 3 days! 3DAYS!!! You cAN DO IT!!! Sending prayers and good luck your way!!

Jingle said...

focus on what you have done for your babies and family,
you are outstanding and patient...

Happy Friday!
Happy Weekend!

Lisa said...

Happy Friday Sunny! I keep checking on your status, I ready to hear about the delivery and those two new babies!

Furrow said...

OMG. Everyday I look at my feeds and can't believe it when I see an update from you, which means you're still carrying those babies! I wouldn't bet against them on any milestone at this point. You and they are a great team.

I'm glad to know that they'll likely get a trial of labor before the C-sec. That is supposedly good for them.

Chad and Gena said...

So excited for you...I think you will make it :-). I was wondering what positions your little guys were in. Evan and Taryn were in the exact same positions. So if you find yourself somehow delivery vaginally...Evan turned just as we hoped he would after Taryn was born :-).

Thank you for you sweet comments on my blog. They are so much fun...I can only imagine how much fun you are going to have w/your 3 boys :-)

Joy said...

Good luck!! Thirty seven! Thirty seven! Thirsty seven. (You can't see me, but it's a cheery.)

Eve said...

I can't believe we've both made it this far!!!! I think we're both due for some sort of ceremonious gold medal, right? I plan to something similar once off bedrest (maybe not QUITE as good, but close)...that is to say I won't be running any marathons. I'd like to get a few things done though...I'm already planning a Wal-mart trip (in the wheelchair)next Friday.

I asked the same thing as you about the section...mine is scheduled at 38 weeks (april 16th), but my peri doesn't believe I will make it either. Hopefully, you won't be 'pushing' as you get to the hospital...just pay attention to your contrax and you'll make it no problem! Thinking of you!!!


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

3 more days, Whoo Hoo!! I am glad you are taking it easy and getting out to see your friends.
Bean sounds like a delightful young man, sigh, they grow so fast!!

Anonymous said...

it's almost sunday and i've been wondering if you made it? ;) i'm so excited for you that the little ones got to spend so much time inside. can't wait for the stories to come over the next few weeks!!!