Mary, because you asked, here are some recent pictures of the Bean. But before I comply with that request, I have one of my own. It is Delurking Week, or so
Mel tells me, and I'm making my official plea. A lurker, of course, is someone who regularly reads a blog but never leaves a comment. I know I have a few, because I sometimes check on my number of visitors, and I doubt my mom is going to 20 unique computers every day and pulling up my blog. If I were a real techie, I could figure out where you were logging in from and gather all sorts of other cool demographic info, but alas, I am not. So please take a few seconds to say hello. Just go to the bottom of this post, click on the link to the number of comments I have, and if you don't have an account, you can just reply as "anonymous" and let me know your first name, nickname, CB radio handle, etc. I'm making it easy for you, because this post is all pictures of Bean. There is no deep thought required to comment on the topic of Bean's sweet little mug, just a basic "He's so adorable!" will suffice. (Comments like, "Eh, he's okay." or "I hope he doesn't have your big nose!" are not appreciated, and you can just keep on lurking. Thanks.) Okay, enough of my begging, here's what the little man has been up to -- or into -- in the past few days.
Still crawling out of his pants. Evey can't imagine why I still think it's so amusing. It just is.

He just loves the activity table. The banjo song is his favorite, it almost looks like he's trying to dance when it comes on.

He loves to crawl under and into everything. The task of babyproofing is overwhelming... soon there will be nothing left in our house but a couch and a bunch of drawers that none of us can open.

He's such a happy little munchkin.
Can't forget the pooch! Nothing comforts cold, weary winter bones like curling up with the heating pad.
Last but not least, I just had to show you the cute shoes I bought for Bean. I searched everywhere for some affordable black shoes for him to match the new 12-month outfits he got for Christmas, and I eventually turned to
http://www.shoes.com/ for these Converse. Thank you, Chuck Taylor!
Thanks for the pictures, they are ADORABLE as always!! I may have already said this (as my mind has lost the ability to remember things) but that table is still one of the twinnies favorites, Livi likes to climb up and sit on top of it and Drew likes to dance to the music. Love love love the shoes, so super cute!! And I still laugh when I see Bean crawl out of his pants!!
Bean has SO much hair - I think Gavin already has male pattern baldness (so sad at only 16 months), but it goes nicely with his mullet! I have left a comment before but I felt guilty if I didn't leave one today. I only babyproofed the important things like chemicals, glass and hairspray, other stuff he gets into may be annoying, but I would rather redirect him 20 times than have to move or lock up anything else. Oh and I think it's funny when Gavin and Riley share toys too (to the complete and utter horror of my mom-in-law)!! And yes, Bean is adorable!
Hey Christine,
Just love to check in on occasion to admire that cute little man of yours! Not to mention a great laugh now and then as you step into motherhood and all it has to offer. We miss you here at Agape'! Looks as if things are going well in Seattle and it's great to reflect on the real things in life....raising babies!
Bean is precious of all! I love his mischievous look by the table! Sounds like Bean is like Zach...into EVERYTHING! :) We now have nothing anywhere below 2 feet.
Christine, I love reading your blog. You are witty and make me laugh with your stories on life and motherhood! Keep up the good work!
I love that second picture of him with his music table. He looks like an adult making a silly face on purpose. It's amazing what expressions babies can make - completely without intention! Baby-proofing is the bane of my existence. I'm living on a wing and a prayer most of the time (esp. since we're in my in-laws' place and Japan doesn't really seem all that interested in child safety devices). We'll probably be lucky if she lives to see kindergarten without a major injury. (I'm surely making it out to be worse that it really is, but sometimes it seems like this is true!)
He's just so happy!
Good luck on getting the lurkers to come out!
He is getting around...uh into everything and he is just so cute doing it! I love to see pictures of Bean because he is so smiley and happy. He makes me smile!
I am one of your lurkers! It is Lora from Michigan! I don't have the time to sit down and read a book, but I always seem to find time to read your blogs. It is great to read them since our boys are 3 weeks apart in age and I feel like I am reading my life events just written (typed) much better than I would ever be able to do. It is so funny, even the pictures of bean and my peanut look the same, I have the same ones of him crawling under his excersaucer, the kitchen table and jumper. He loves the dogs toys more than his own and I too feel baby proofing is a lot harder than I thought. I told Chris we are only going to have a couch left in the house! He loves the cables and all the electronical gadgets we have under our TV!
Well I hope that maybe on your next trip home that peanut and bean can meet each other!!
Thanks for all the great blogs to read!
He is so adorable! What a cutie!
That pic of Evey on the heating pad is also cute.
I love all the pics of him crawling into everything. I think I'd rather enjoy this phase through you than run around after Jillian. It will come much too soon, I am sure.
The most adorable grandchild and granddoggie I could ever have hoped for! I can't wait to see them!
Grandma Mary
Oh love it!! He's the next Christopher Columbus - exploring for a new world.
Cousin Kimmy...regular reader, never a commenter...your blogs crack me up and the pics of bean always make me smile :)
Bean IS adorable - I love all the pictures - gosh he is almost a year old!!
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