Monday, February 2, 2009

Wet and (not so) wild

Backing up to last Wednesday, the kiddos enjoyed water day in the play room at preschool. Although for Bean, the word "enjoyed" might be a bit strong. Between teething and missing his morning nap, he was not overly enthusiastic about the experience. And when water splashed up into his face, he had enough. Fortunately, a hug from mommy makes it all better.

Bean surveys the water table with thinly veiled disinterest delight.

A man on a mission. A mission of smacka smacka.

As you can see, Bean is far cuter than his classmates.

He is such a people watcher, this is his typical preschool face.

The pooch has no news to report. She continues to lounge comfortably around the house while the rest of us bustle around her.

Although sometimes she loses her toys to teething infants. DH saw this picture and asked, "How long had he been chewing on that?"

One of the other moms at preschool knitted Bean a new hat. When I put it on him in class, he screamed bloody murder and furiously ripped it off his head. Embarrassed, all I could respond was: "Bean says thank you so much!" Luckily he tolerated it at home, so I could email her some pictures of him wearing and eating it.

Other than that, not much is going on in our household these days. DH is working crazy hours to finish a project, he sometimes doesn't get home until 9 or 10 pm, plus he had to work on Saturday. I've been consumed with the normal stuff, trying to keep the household going by myself as Bean tries to dismantle it. DH and I have both been tired and distracted lately, as evidenced by my leaving our portable GPS in the lease car I turned in, and DH bringing home a gallon of milk that was almost expired. "I usually check the expiration date on the milk to make sure we can get a full week out of it," I gently reminded him. "I actually did check the date," he admitted sheepishly, "I just didn't know what day it was today." That about sums it up.


Anonymous said...

Awwww I love that supercute hat, I must learn how to knit ear flaps! I laughed OUT LOUD at Bean chewing up that frisbee and I am still in awe of how you are able to hold it all together with no help and DH working such long hours, you are supermom!

Kristina P. said...

That hat is adorable!

And he's definitely cuter than his classmates.

Michelle said...

He is most definitely the cutest! I love the hat!

Debz said...

Oh bless DH's heart. That is a rough week, when you don't even know what date it is.
Love the Bean's hat. What a talented mom who made that hat. Not that your not talented, but I've never seen you make a hat - just sayin (lol).

Lisa said...

HAHA, love the pic of Bean with Evie's toy. I think Zach think he is part dog. He often tries to eat with no hands and just bends over to pick it up with his mouth! ;-) Glad you guys are doing good, even though pooped! Getting close to Bean's 1st too!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed to say it has been forever since I've checked in with your blog! I can't believe how much BIGGER the little guy has gotten! They sure do grow up fast!