Monday, January 4, 2010


I'm home. Phew.

No more bleeding. Cervix is a "strong 2.6 cm" according to sonographer. Having contractions, which seem to be Braxton Hicks (I can't feel them, and so far I'm not going into labor). The doc upped my meds and I'm going to the OB for another check tomorrow.

More later when I figure out how to remain at 45-degree angle or less and type on the computer without my back getting very, very angry.



Mary said...

Lay on your side (preferably your left one, then you get good blood flow to the babies as well) ;)

SO glad you are home, you are doing great work mama, keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you're home and that the cervix is holding strong.

Kristina P. said...

Yay! I am so glad!

Shelley said...

Welcome home! Hang in there!

Kristi said...

I'm so glad you're home. I was only ever on modified bedrest (take it easy as much as you can) and never on full bedrest as you are, so I have no advice. But just remember you have a cheering section here to keep your spirits up! said...

Phew....I want the babies to stay strong...

Take lots of rest...and I am sending you tons of great-health vibe.

Take Care.

Pufferfish said...

I was pointed to your blog...from someone. Coffeegrl? I don't remember who. Funny thing is that I used to read your blog and haven't checked back in a LONG time and was shocked to see you are now pregnant with twins! Congrats!

I am pregnant with twins as well (which is why someone pointed me to your blog) and have had a shortening cervix as well.
With a lot of rest, it was MUCH better a week or so later and I was advised to take it easy the rest of my pregnancy.
"Taking it easy" is so subjective, so be sure to ask clear questions, but I know it must be harder with another child at home.
Anyway, I will add you to my blogroll and keep following along, sending you some good twin vibes.

I'm almost 34 weeks now and on a bit of restricted/modified rest myself now as well. Strict bedrest has got to be so hard, but just remember that if you can lengthen your cervix, you will probably get more privileges.

Hang in there!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Sending my best and so happy you are home. Take good care, Big (((HUGS))).

IF Optimist, then... said...

Sending thoughts of all things long and tight and closed and happy. Take it as easy as you can. It sucks but you'll get through it.

Jen said...

Does a recliner help??? Hang in there and tell those boys to stay put! I have a feeling that these boys may be on the rambunctious side so watch out.

Gabby said...

YAY! glad you are home! Yay for shorterning cervix.. Lots of pillows behind you.. or you can use a yoga block and a pillow or yoga mat in front of it.

Yay, mama!

Allison said...

So what are your restrictions at this point, or will you find out more tomorrow?

Michelle said...

I am glad to hear that everything is holding and you are home safe.

You are doing are wonderful job!